Are you a business author and speaker struggling to land more speeches with well-paying clients?

Are you an experienced speaker in need of an industry veteran as a thought partner?

Do you need specific, strategic advice on your next book launch?

For over twenty years I’ve worked with business speakers who have changed the world of work for the better with their powerful, positive messages. Let me share their methods with you.

Are you a business author and speaker struggling to land more speeches with well-paying clients?

I work with business speakers who are ready to elevate their standing in the industry.

You’ve gotten rave reviews for your speeches. You want to spend more time on stage, preferably for clients who pay well. How are other speakers landing a consistent number of keynotes at high-quality events? Is a sales agent or speakers bureau a better fit for you? How can you reach the widest audience and make the biggest impact?

My expertise will help you:

  • • Refine your online and offline presence to attract more speaking opportunities.
  • • Connect deeply and authentically with your audience.
  • • Discover how to strengthen your team and enhance client relations.
  • • Identify areas for improvement throughout your branding, content, speaking, and publishing strategies to develop a more memorable and influential brand.
  • • Design a path forward, choosing the right next steps to take based on our findings.
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You’ll need these:

Brand Audit

A Brand Audit encompasses the foundation of a compelling business speaking brand. It is a detailed, critical examination of your speaking profile and your online presence.

What’s Included:

Your Brand Audit will provide strategic recommendations that will help you earn more as a speaker and reach a wider audience.

The audit will assess the quality and effectiveness of your video footage, speech descriptions, biography, website design, audience connection and audience building strategies, publishing cadence and strategies, representation, and networking. Based on two decades of experience working with event organizers who hire top talent multiple times each year, the findings will focus on what matters most to them.

You will receive clear, actionable insights to amplify your brand’s strengths and address weaknesses.

How It Works:

Step 1: Comprehensive Survey

You begin your Brand Audit by completing a comprehensive survey. You will answer in-depth questions about your speaking and publishing experiences, as well as your content creation and networking methods. The more detailed you are, the higher the quality of your audit.

Step 2: Debrief Calls

We review your survey responses throughout 2-3 calls of an hour duration. These discussions will give you an opportunity to elaborate on or clarify your survey responses. This is where we begin to assess your approach to each aspect of your speaking profile.

Step 3: Findings

Thirty days after the final review call, you will receive your Brand Audit PDF. Your Brand Audit will include the findings that were derived from your survey answers and our debrief calls. Those findings will determine which definitive, well-tested recommendations are most appropriate for you and will be incorporated into the audit.

Step 4: Evaluation Calls

We will thoroughly review the Brand Audit during 1-3 calls of an hour duration. We’ll parse the findings and recommendations detailed there. These evaluation calls are essentially strategic coaching calls where you are able to ask any clarifying questions about the recommendations presented in the audit. In some cases, revisions to the audit are required based on our discussions. Those are handled promptly and you are given a revised PDF.

Implement the carefully tailored recommendations in the Brand Audit and you will see a significant improvement in your reputation as a speaker and author among both clients and fans.

Investment: $5,000

Strategic Coaching

Strategic Coaching is designed for business speakers who have a specific issue they’d like to address or who, after receiving the recommendations from the Brand Audit, would like to extend the coaching relationship.

What’s Included:

Strategic Coaching helps you assess your current challenges and identify the approaches needed to achieve your speaking career goals. You might benefit from a trusted advisor who can recommend skilled vendors or review the execution of your strategy, as detailed in the brand audit. Alternatively, you may want to delve deeper into audience engagement and book marketing tactics. You want to know which specific steps to take that will make a significant difference. This coaching package is flexible and can cover multiple areas. We will outline your goals during the initial session.

How it Works:

Step 1: Complete the Brand Audit Survey

Having a full picture of your speaking and publishing profile will allow us to assess which steps you will need to take to reach your goals more quickly. While you won’t receive the formal report of findings and recommendations provided in the Brand Audit, the survey will illuminate strengths to build on as well as areas needing more attention.

Step 2: Initial Session

During our initial hour-long session, we’ll set specific goals based on your current priorities and map out a path forward. We’ll also touch on your related time constraints or necessary deadlines.

Step 3: Further Sessions

The Strategic Coaching package includes 5 hours of coaching phone or video conference calls (one initial session plus 4 more hours of calls). We gain an impression of timing in our initial session. Email communication is available between calls for clarification and feedback. The duration of the package is approximately 3-6 months based on mutual availability and your preferred pace.

You want to take action now to improve your speaking business. Strategic Coaching will show you how to take the right steps to reach your goals as a business speaker.

Investment: $2,500

Are you an experienced speaker in need of an industry veteran as a thought partner?

World-class speakers work with me to solve a wide range of problems, whether it’s to address a talent gap on their team or as a sounding board for new project ideas.

To reach your level of success, your pace has been relentless. You have been passionately churning out highly useful content for many years. As a result, it’s imperative that you have the support you need to continue or fresh perspectives on how to pivot with new opportunities.

My unique experience of spending over twenty years working closely with Tom Peters allowed me to observe and study all aspects of a business speaker’s work life. You can imagine the number of changes and transitions we weathered as I’m certain you did the same. The landscape is very different than when I started, and the journey has required constant adaptation and experimentation.

Along the way, I worked with a wide variety of other clients. My job has always been to scout out the tools and methods of the mavericks as well as to test the latest trends to see what is particularly fitting for each distinctive client.

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You’ll need this:

Strategic Coaching for Mavens

Strategic Coaching for Mavens is designed for best-selling authors and top business speakers who need a trusted ally with industry knowledge. This offering is flexible in scope as you are not likely to seek my help if a standard vendor would suffice in meeting your needs.

Here are examples of pain points you may be experiencing and want help with:

• Are you looking to explore new platforms or revenue streams?

• Are you doing too much yourself?

• Do you need help with your work/life balance?

• Do you have staffing issues or need to find the right new agent/bureau/editor?

• Is the switch from in-person events to remote events to a mix making your head spin?

• Are you experiencing trouble with the continued expectations of COVID pricing discounts?

• Do you have a project you would like help with?

Schedule a call so that we can determine how I can help you.

Do you need specific, strategic advice on your next book launch?

I’ve been in the trenches for many book launches, some with best-selling authors, some with first-time authors. I help them make the most effective use of their time, money, and effort to promote their books.

You want your upcoming book launch to be successful but you don’t know where to start. You hear about endless tactics – which ones work? How do you get your book to stand out?

My expertise will help you:

  • • Reduce decision fatigue and overwhelm.
  • • Avoid common pitfalls.
  • • Choose reliable methods of audience-building that create lasting, book-buying and book-sharing fans.
  • • Create a clear plan that works.
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You’ll need this:

Book Launch Plan

The Book Launch Plan is designed for business book authors who want to gain clarity around proven book marketing strategies and which they should pursue for their next book launch.

What’s Included:

Your highly customized Book Launch Plan will show you which steps to take and when to take them. The plan will span digital and traditional marketing efforts based on tried-and-true methods of promotion.

Successful book marketing is a long-term commitment for the author that stretches far beyond the launch. Your Book Launch Plan will allow you to create a deeper connection and rapport with your audience so that they follow your work into the future. The Plan will also describe how to build relationships with industry influencers who are happy to support high quality work from other authors. Your Book Launch Plan will guide you not only through the process for your current book, but will teach you how to apply appropriate tactics for the next books you write.

How It Works:

Step 1: Comprehensive Survey

You begin the path to your Book Launch Plan by completing a comprehensive survey about your publishing history, speaking and business career, and current book. The more detailed you are, the higher the quality of your plan.

Step 2: Debrief Calls

We review your survey responses throughout 2-3 calls of an hour duration. These discussions will give you an opportunity to elaborate on or clarify your survey responses. This is where we begin to assess, based on your goals, which marketing strategies will be the best fit for you and your book.

Step 3: Findings

Thirty days after the final review call, you will receive your Book Launch Plan PDF. Your Book Launch Plan will include the findings that were derived from your survey answers and our debrief calls. Those findings will determine which definitive, well-tested recommendations are most appropriate for you and will be incorporated into the plan.

Step 4: Evaluation Calls

We will thoroughly review your Book Launch Plan during 1-3 calls of an hour duration. We’ll parse the findings and recommendations detailed there. These evaluation calls are essentially strategic coaching calls where you are able to ask any clarifying questions about the recommendations presented in the plan. In some cases, revisions to the plan are required based on our discussions. Those are handled promptly and you are given a revised PDF.

The carefully tailored Book Launch Plan will guide you step by step throughout the most fraught period around releasing your book.

Investment: $5,000

As a first-time author, surrounding myself with an amazing team was important. Shelley was just that, amazing! Her guidance and support were key to our success making it to the WSJ list of bestselling non-fiction business books in our first week of publication. I couldn’t have done it without her.

Tiffani Bova

Former global growth & innovation evangelist, Salesforce. Author of The Experience Mindset: Changing the Way You Think About Growth.

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